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Elections to regional councils held on 20 - 21 September 2024

Results for regional councils

Region: Královéhradecký

Results for regional councils – Královéhradecký – total information

of elected
Wards Voters in the
electoral roll
% of valid
total proc. in %
45 918 918 100.00 432,861 148,109 34.22 147,956 146,420 98.96

Results for regional councils – Královéhradecký – a part 1

Table caption The table allows to select a party in the territory to display preferential votes for candidates. To select use the links marked with X.
Candidate list Valid votes cast Mandates
code name number in % number in %
5 HLAS samospráv 10,324 7.05 3 6.67
10 SPD, Trikolora, PRO a Svobodní 9,414 6.42 3 6.67
15 DSZ - ZA PRÁVA ZVÍŘAT 829 0.56 - -
21 Česká pirátská strana 5,812 3.96 - -
29 Koruna Česká (monarch.strana) 341 0.23 - -
33 LEPŠÍ ŽIVOT PRO LIDI a ND 750 0.51 - -
39 ANO 2011 50,581 34.54 18 40.00

Results for regional councils – Královéhradecký – a part 2

Table caption The table allows to select a party in the territory to display preferential votes for candidates. To select use the links marked with X.
Candidate list Valid votes cast Mandates
code name number in % number in %
40 PRO KRAJINU-Zelení,Změna,nez. 2,735 1.86 - -
41 Čtyřkoalice STAN,TOP09,HDK,LES 17,792 12.15 6 13.33
54 SILNÍ LÍDŘI pro kraj 39,045 26.66 13 28.89
62 Jasný Signál Nezávislých 395 0.26 - -
67 ČSSD 830 0.56 - -
77 STAČILO!, koalice KSČM a ČSNS 7,572 5.17 2 4.44
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