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Elections to regional councils held on 20 - 21 September 2024

Results for regional councils

Region: Liberecký

Results for regional councils – Liberecký – total information

of elected
Wards Voters in the
electoral roll
% of valid
total proc. in %
45 582 582 100.00 342,475 114,827 33.53 114,701 113,563 99.01

Results for regional councils – Liberecký – a part 1

Table caption The table allows to select a party in the territory to display preferential votes for candidates. To select use the links marked with X.
Candidate list Valid votes cast Mandates
code name number in % number in %
1 SPOLU PRO Liberecký kraj 1,619 1.42 - -
15 DSZ - ZA PRÁVA ZVÍŘAT 404 0.35 - -
16 PŘÍSAHA občanské hnutí 2,700 2.37 - -
21 Česká pirátská strana 4,296 3.78 - -
30 Právo Respekt Odbornost 1,576 1.38 - -
33 LEPŠÍ ŽIVOT PRO LIDI a ND 465 0.40 - -
34 Zelení pro kraj 3,169 2.79 - -

Results for regional councils – Liberecký – a part 2

Table caption The table allows to select a party in the territory to display preferential votes for candidates. To select use the links marked with X.
Candidate list Valid votes cast Mandates
code name number in % number in %
39 ANO 2011 37,329 32.87 18 40.00
70 Sociální demokracie 1,059 0.93 - -
71 SPD a Trikolora 5,875 5.17 2 4.44
77 STAČILO!, koalice KSČM a ČSNS 5,670 4.99 - -
82 SPOLU pro LBK-ODS,TOP,KDU-ČSL 9,937 8.75 5 11.11
87 Starostové pro Liberecký kraj 39,464 34.75 20 44.44
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